by Sharon Hecker | Dec 1, 2000 | JOURNAL ARTICLES
“Ambivalent Bodies: Medardo Rosso’s Brera Petition”, The Burlington Magazine vol. 142:1173 (December 2000): 773-777. The essay uncovers and publishes a critical examination of the original documents related to Medardo Rosso’s enrollment in and expulsion from the...
by Sharon Hecker | Dec 1, 1998 | JOURNAL ARTICLES
“L’esordio milanese di Medardo Rosso,” Bolletino dell’Accademia degli Euteleti (December 1998), vol. 65, pp. 185-201. Hecker’s essay presents her discovery of Medardo Rosso’s hitherto unknown first exhibition at the Indisposizione di Belle Arti in Milan...
by Sharon Hecker | Dec 21, 1996 | JOURNAL ARTICLES
“Medardo Rosso’s first commission”, The Burlington Magazine vol. 138:1125 (December 1996): 817-822. The essay presents original documents related to a hitherto unstudied funerary monument by Medardo Rosso entitled La Riconoscenza (1883-1885). It examines the...